Buttock and calf implants are cosmetic procedures designed to enhance and augment the size and shape of the buttocks or calves. Whether you desire a fuller and more rounded buttock contour or increased definition in the calf area, implants can provide a solution to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Reasons for considering buttock or calf implants:

  • Desire for increased volume and projection in the buttocks or calves
  • Correction of asymmetry or disproportion in the buttock or calf appearance
  • Enhancement of overall body proportions
  • Improved self-confidence and body image

Types of implant procedures:

Buttock and calf implant procedures involve the placement of silicone or other biocompatible implants to achieve the desired augmentation. The specific types of implants and techniques used may vary based on individual goals and anatomical considerations.

  • Buttock Implants: Typically involve the insertion of silicone implants to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks, creating a fuller and more contoured appearance.
  • Calf Implants: Utilize silicone or other implant materials to add volume and definition to the calf muscles, addressing concerns of thin or asymmetrical calves.


The buttock or calf implant procedure generally involves the following steps:

  • Consultation with the surgeon to discuss goals, assess candidacy, and choose the most suitable implants
  • Administration of anesthesia for a pain-free experience
  • Creation of incisions in discreet locations for implant placement
  • Insertion of implants into the targeted areas
  • Closing incisions and applying dressings or compression garments
  • Post-operative care instructions will be provided by the surgeon

Recovery time can vary, and it's important to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by your buttock or calf implant specialist for optimal results.

Recovery and Results:

Recovery from buttock or calf implant surgery may involve some swelling, bruising, and temporary discomfort, which gradually subsides over the following weeks. Results become more apparent as the initial swelling diminishes, revealing the enhanced size and shape of the buttocks or calves.

The longevity of results can be maintained with proper post-operative care and a healthy lifestyle. If you have any concerns or questions during the recovery period, it's advisable to contact your implant specialist for guidance.