Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue in males. There are several misconceptions and myths surrounding gynecomastia, which can lead to misunderstandings and stigma. Here are some common misconceptions about gynecomastia

Gynecomastia Myths

Gynecomastia is always caused by obesity:

While excess body fat can contribute to the appearance of enlarged breasts in men, gynecomastia is a separate medical condition. It can occur in any individuals most commonly and it’s often caused by hormonal imbalances, medications, or underlying medical conditions.

Gynecomastia is a result of a lack of masculinity:

Having gynecomastia does not reflect a lack of masculinity or indicate a person's sexual orientation. It can affect any male from senior to elderly.

Gynecomastia will go away on its own:

In some cases, gynecomastia in adolescents may resolve spontaneously as hormone levels stabilize during puberty. However, for many adults, the condition persists and will require correction either by surgery or liposuction.

Only older men get gynecomastia:

Gynecomastia can affect males of all ages, including infants, adolescents, and adults. While hormonal changes related to aging can contribute to gynecomastia in older men, it is not limited to this demography.

Surgery is the only treatment option:

Treatment for gynecomastia is the advice for people who are concerned with it. Gynecomastia doesn’t have any other effect on the body. If it is a result of hormonal imbalance or medication necessary treatment is advice. For correction of gynecomastia surgical intervention like liposuction, assisted mastectomy are the only available options.

Gynecomastia is a rare condition:

Gynecomastia is more common than many people think. Estimates suggest that up to 70% of adolescent boys may experience some degree of gynecomastia during puberty. It also affects a significant percentage of adult men.

Exercise and chest workouts can cure gynecomastia:

While exercise can help reduce body fat and improve muscle tone, it may not eliminate the excess breast tissue associated with gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is primarily a glandular tissue; surgical treatment is needed for correction and medical treatment for control.

Gynecomastia Treatment Can Be Performed by All Doctors:

Gynecomastia surgery, although it may seem easy, requires a high degree of skill set. A well-trained cosmetic and plastic surgeon ensures that results are natural and there is no recurrence. Always remember that it is a customized procedure and should always be done by trained hands and standard clinics for the best results.