Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size and weight of excessively large breasts. The procedure involves removing excess skin and breast tissue to achieve a breast appearance that is proportionate with the individual's body, while also alleviating discomfort associated with large, heavy breasts. Key aspects of the procedure include repositioning the nipple higher on the chest.

Alleviating Physical Discomfort:

Large breasts can cause chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain due to the weight and strain they impose on the upper body. Breast reduction surgery aims to relieve these symptoms by reducing breast size.

Improving Posture:

Large breasts can contribute to poor posture, as individuals may compensate for the weight of their breasts by hunching forward. Breast reduction can help improve posture and reduce the risk of associated musculoskeletal problems.

Relieving Skin Irritation:

Skin irritation and rashes beneath the breast crease can occur due to friction and moisture buildup. Breast reduction surgery can alleviate these skin problems.

Enhancing Physical Activity:

Excessively large breasts can limit physical activities and make exercise or sports participation uncomfortable. Breast reduction can increase an individual's ability to engage in physical activities and lead a more active lifestyle.

Boosting Self-Esteem:

Disproportionately large breasts may cause self-consciousness and body image issues. Breast reduction can enhance self-esteem and body confidence by achieving a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing breast size.

Clothing Fit:

Large breasts can make it challenging to find clothing that fits properly. Breast reduction surgery can make it easier to find clothing that fits comfortably and flatters one's body shape.

Emotional Well-being:

Chronic physical discomfort and self-esteem issues related to large breasts can have a negative impact on emotional well-being. Breast reduction surgery can contribute to improved mental and emotional health.

Correcting Asymmetry:

In some cases, breast reduction surgery is used to correct breast asymmetry, where one breast is significantly larger than the other.

Important Considerations

Breast reduction surgery is a major surgical procedure that should be thoroughly discussed with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The decision to undergo breast reduction should be based on individual needs, health considerations, and personal preferences.

Dr. Jammula S Srinivas offers safe and natural-looking breast reduction surgery in Hyderabad, providing complete information about the procedure, risks, and costs during consultations.